In the murky grey waters of the seafood industry, thanks to complexities of sourcing and transparency, it can be intimidating to “make good choices” as a consumer. Luckily, New York-based Sea to Table has made moves to simplify this process with their fish delivery service, which ships directly from U.S. waters to your doorstep.
Co-founder Sean Dimin says the ideal way to source fish is to catch it yourself. The next best is to obtain it straight from a fisherman, and the third-best way is in a delivery from Sea to Table. In a typical box, one can choose from a variety of five wild-caught seafood options from American docks: 2 types of succulent Alaskan salmon, plus flaky redfish, cod and shrimp. There is even a variety “Starter Pack,” complete with Northwest Pacific cod, buttery Alaskan Coho salmon and sweet Gulf shrimp. And every fish can be traced directly to the fishing boat that landed it.
Dimin is excited that consumers are becoming concerned with the source of their fish in the same way as with other food groups. He hopes to get more people eating better fish, and to support healthy, traceable fishing communities in the process. Simply put, Sea to Table takes the guesswork out of where your seafood comes from. While you enjoy your crispy grilled salmon, you can delight in the fact that your dinner stars some of the most sustainable fish available, which could mean more fish in the sea tomorrow as well.