Growing season may be well past its peak, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to support young farmers through the cold months. One way to keep sustaining small-scale farmers without pulling a volunteer shift at a nearby greenhouse is to support the organizations that provide them with resources and guidance. On February 19, join the National Young Farmer’s Coalition for their Young Farmer Winter Supper at the Wythe Hotel and support an organization that represents, organizes and engages young farmers. Chefs Mona Talbott and Sean Rembold will be preparing dinner, and they’re sourcing their ingredients from some of our favorite producers including She Wolf Bakery and Cayuga Pure Organics.
NYFC works to reform policy, grow networks and help new farmers find technical assistance. Since they were founded four years ago, they’ve influenced the Farm Bill, overseen the creation of a Farm Service Agency micro-lending program and created 25 chapters nationwide. They’re also doing a lot to make the life and work of young farmers more visible: their Bootstrap Blog features five farmers throughout their first season ever year. This year’s dinner will showcase documentaries about five female dairy farmers including Sara Lyons Chase of Chaseholm Farm Creamery and Ashlee Kleehammer of North Country Creamery.