It can be frustrating to get stuck behind lost tourists who are holding a map up to their face while stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. But now, beer loving New Yorkers might find themselves peering at a city map on street corners, too. Blue Crow Media — the folks behind those Specialty Coffees in NYC maps — just-released a folding, roughly five-buck Craft Beer Map of New York City that features over 100 bars, restaurants and shops that sell craft beer.
The editor (and our frequent contributor) Niko Krommydas, explains that, “The inspiration was the simple desire to explore a city again without constantly checking a device. The map is designed to be as clean and functional as possible, and it’s usable like an app.”
Krommydas would know since the map is based on the Craft Beer New York app, which he edits. The app was launched by beer writer Joshua M. Bernstein in 2012 and features 150+ craft beer spots in the city. Krommydas is constantly updating it and adding new spots and recent additions include Milk & Hops, Kiabacca, an excellent C-Town Supermarket in Astoria and Bushwick’s Braven Brewing Company (keep an eye out for Long Island venues in the new future).
He picked the 100 best spots from the app and for this project and the first batch is selling quickly. The second batch is soon to print as well and Krommydas says he’ll add more bars, shops and breweries to the upcoming additions.
Have suggestions for future iterations of the map? Tweet them to Krommydas at @CraftBeer_NY or @Krommydas.