More than hot chocolate, tea or maybe even coffee, juice seems to be the winter beverage of the moment. I can think of several reasons why, including sustained New Year’s resolutions, portability or simply a desire for fresh produce during the colder months. Whatever the cause, these concoctions are an easy way to slurp up hearty fruit and vegetable servings.
We like to keep it seasonal and couldn’t resist the following take on a Bloody Mary from the Good Eggs winter cookbook; drop the tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce and horseradish and replace with carrot juice, orange juice, fresh ginger and A&B American Style Pepper Sauce. You can go the boozy route and add vodka, or just sip as is.
Either way, we raise our glasses to March and the arrival of a new season — it’s so close that we can almost taste it.
March Hare Cocktail
A version of this recipe originally appeared on A&B American Style Pepper Sauce’s website
1 part carrot juice
1 part orange juice
Fresh ginger, peeled and grated (but don’t lose the juice!) to taste
Lemon juice, to taste
A&B American Style Pepper Sauce, to taste
Vodka (optional)
Parsley or celery, for garnish
1. Take carrot juice and orange juice in equal parts and add in the fresh ginger. Hopefully, you did this last night because the flavors come together much better when they have time to hang out.
2. Squeeze in some fresh lemon juice to taste.
3. Add a healthy pour of A&B American Style Pepper Sauce. Again, you know your spice level best, so the amount is up to you.
4. Add an unhealthy pour of vodka (optional).
5. Garnish with the parsley or celery.
This post is the most recent in a collaboration with Good Eggs. You can read more about Gotham Greens on their website. Looking for more seasonal stories? Check out the “What’s in Season?” section of our sidebar (to the right) for some of the best of our timely content.