We know it’s short notice, but we just returned from a visit to the sweet Gowanus shop called Brooklyn Homebrew, where we were told of the Malt of the Month Club run by one of our area’s few malt houses sourcing and malting local grains for locavoric home brewers. Called Valley Malt, it’s run by a husband and wife in Hadley, Massachusetts. Today is the very last day to join what’s essentially a malt CSA, with pickups at Brooklyn Homebrew at Eighth Street and Fourth Avenue. It’s $200 and you will receive 100 pounds of organic pale ale malt, five pounds of bi-monthly specialty malt, a cotton malt sack and entry fee into Valley Malt’s first annual homebrew competition. Call 413.349. 9098 or go to valleymalt.com.
Homebrewer Alert: Just a Few Hours Left to Join the Local Malt of the Month Club