If you’ve been following our blog the past few weeks you’ve read all about the really stellar series of dinner symposiums Bubby’s has been running on American foodways past and present. The next to last is on lard, and is extra-dear to the heart of Ron Silver, a co-owner of the restaurant famous for its fried chicken and pies. Beyond some of each of those (and killer biscuits and fried clams) you can expect beyond some very serious discussion of the fat from Silver himself. If you like lard, you won’t want to miss it.
Luckily, we’ve got two tickets to give away, and you could buy your own right here. To score the freebies, here’s what to do: The first reader to like Bubby’s on Facebook and post a message on their wall referencing @EdibleBrooklyn wins the pair. (While you’re at it, you might as well as like us on Facebook, too, if you don’t already.) Here’s more on the meal from your hosts at Bubby’s:
Lard Exoneration Dinner with Ron Silver
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 7p.m.
“Lard” continues to be a metaphor and an epithet representing all sorts of negative things about the American diet: obesity, chronic disease, poverty and benighted ideas about food in general. Bubby’s Lard dinner is a challenge to that. Artisinal lard, in contrast to industrially produced lard, is a wholesome food and an unequalled medium for baking and frying. Ron Silver’s presentation will describe how lard has been demonized, partially by rival commercial interests (Crisco), degraded by chemical processing, and how it actually compares favorably with vegetable oils and butter as part of our diet. The dinner will feature pies, biscuits, chicken, clams and other foods prepared with lard, as well as examples of lard’s lesser known role as a food itself in eastern and southern European cuisines.