Tag: foraging

IN OUR CURRENT ISSUE: Cornelian Cherry Bitters

Marie Viljoen is always one step ahead of the rest of us, putting up preserves or drying botanicals to make it through the long, nothing-is-growing-anymore winter. In our current issue she tells us how she captured the essence of summer in a bottle of homemade Cornelian cherry bitters, which she uses to shake up inspired cocktails in the cold months.

Now, Forager: A Film About Love and Fungi Showing at IFC This Week

It’s not often that one finds a drama packed with equal parts human love and love of foraging, but we must say, our interest is piqued. “Now, Forager” tells the story of Lucien and Regina, a Jersey-based couple who forage for mushrooms and sell them to top-notch restaurants in New York City.


Here’s a recipe from the current issue of Edible Manhattan for gazpacho (read the whole story here), which jazzes up the classic soup with anise hyssop leaves–available at the Greenmarket if you don’t have a field to forage it in.