Their basic premise is simple: Take the leftover coffee fruit pulp, a fiber- and protein-rich by-product, and convert it into flour.
Sean Dixon has developed his entire career around aquatic life as the affable co-creator of Village Fishmonger, co-founder of Sustainable Seafood Week and attorney for Riverkeeper.
Using all the tech and social-media tricks on offer, the father-sons enterprise connects chefs directly to fishermen by acting as a digital clearinghouse — with no warehouse.
We talk dirty with Symphony of the Soil’s Deborah Koons Garcia.
New York celebrities and food luminaries are lining up against fracking in the city’s watershed, including a new coalition of food and drink businesses formed to push elected officials to ban fracking in the state, and to send a message to the whole nation.
A bit of her time in Southeast Asia shines through in her new restaurant.
The anti-hunger advocate on how he slimmed down, why soda should remain in the Food Stamp Program and why you shouldn’t volunteer at a soup kitchen on Christmas.
Considering that today is essentially national shopping day–hence a nice shot of the queue in front of Best Buy above the fold on the Times–we thought we’d point you to a blast from the past: Gabrielle Langholtz’s 2009 Brooklyn Fridge profile of Bill Talen, also known as “Reverend Billy,” who helms an anti-consumption congregation he calls the Church of Stop Shopping.
Blue Marble might be the perfect scoop shop to take on such global goals.
Eat Drink Local Week begins today, and we are proud to announce we will be donating profits from all subscription sales between June 24 to 30 to our charitable partners of the week, GrowNYC and Edible Schoolyards of the East…