Squid tastes great just about any way you serve it, whether boiled, grilled or fried. Flexible in the kitchen, abundant in the water–what’s not to love?
This spring not one, but TWO movies about the meat industry are screening in the city. Who knew April and May would be so carnivorous?
From impressive meals in under 20 minutes to DIY every possible ingredient or Iranian inspiration, this year’s cookbooks from Brooklyn chefs have it all.
If you haven’t signed up for a CSA yet, you should consider joining one of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger’s sites, which make healthy, organic, fresh vegetables particularly affordable and accessible to community members of all income levels.
Hungry? Our events calendar has loads of Edible events around the city, like Opening Day of the Down to Earth Farmers Market at McGolrick Park. Stop by for fresh fish from American Pride Seafood and pastured beef, lamb, goat meat and pork from Stone & Thistle Farm. Here’s what’s happening this week.
If this warm, then cold, then warm, then freezing weather has affected you like it has us, your throat is aching and you feel more like cuddling up under a blanket than picnicking in the park. This recipe for Warm Spiced Ginger Tea is the perfect remedy for the where-is-spring blues.
In the wake of California’s failed Proposition 37, which would have mandated the labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms (aka GMOs), the debate over the consumer’s right to know is getting heated.
As the weather warms, Marie Viljoen laments the abundance of watercress in the city. Though she grew up harvesting the peppery plant where it grew wild near her home in Cape Town, South Africa, she knows that polluted city water makes urban watercress too risky to eat.
Hungry? Our events calendar has loads of Edible events around the city, like the 2013 Just Food Conference featuring over a 100 workshops on national farm and food issues, CSA trends, cooking and food preservation techniques, and ways to mobilize communities in order to increase access to farm-fresh, locally grown food. Here’s what’s happening this week.
This recipe for Grilled Squid with Chickpeas and Arugula comes from Mark Usewicz, half of the husband-and-wife team behind Brooklyn’s very first community-supported fishery, Mermaid’s Garden. If you don’t have a grill, there’s a sauté option, too.
Water, water everywhere. Our first-ever H20 issue is ready to read. Download our digital edition for free, anytime, and let the tap flow.
Brooklyn-born and -based Melissa Clark is known for her beloved New York Times column “A Good Appetite” and dozens of cookbooks. Whether she’s wielding a knife or the pen, she is approachable, inspiring and knowledgeable about just about everything edible.