In case you missed it the first time around, this week NY1 is airing a repeat of one of our current favorite Edible segments: The one on the beautiful new 3,000 square-foot bean-to-bar factory built by Mast Brothers Chocolates right on N. Third Street in Williamsburg.
Last year we covered Rick and Michael Mast as they sailed to the Dominican Republic for cacao collection, but this story is on their homebase. If you haven’t taken one of their tours (Thursday through Sunday at 4:30 pm) or been to the really lovely new tasting room (where a new pastry chef makes cookies, cakes, brittle, truffles and other constantly tweaked concoctions) we urge you to make the trip to the Northside. Or just watch us take ours right here.
P.S. One thing we forgot to mention on the show: Mast is now also bean to bag. They have local artist Beka Forney turn old printed 150-pound burlap cacao sacks into leather-strapped satchels. They are 160$ for a small size and 190$ for a large. Too bad they don’t fill em up with Mast Bros. Brooklyn blend when you buy one!