These days, we may not be able to grow coffee in Brooklyn, but we can sure as heck consume it in about any way we like. Like it iced? No problem. Prefer pour over? Sure thing. Want it out of a nitrogen tap? Not available everywhere, but it exists.
If you think the possibilities of coffee production and consumption have peaked around these parts though, think again. Cafés have had the option to go a step further and roast their own beans locally in recent years thanks to equipment setups like Red Hook’s Pulley Collective.
In our current drinks issue, Liz Clayton profiles the “coffee incubator” and shared roasting facility. A half-dozen coffee businesses—including Joe Coffee and Ninth Street Espresso—currently use Pulley’s equipment to prepare their beans as they wish.
You can read the full story on stands and online. Stay tuned for our behind the scenes video!