If you’ve been listening to this season of In the Field, then you’ve likely heard the mid-roll Oatly ads. Yes, the Swedish brand is sponsoring this first season (we lucked out IMHO), but both my producer Kat Aaron and I are weirdly, legitimately honest to goodness fascinated by Oatly, and just oat milk in general for that matter.
If you’ve not had it and are wondering what on earth I’m talking about, it’s this surprisingly creamy, legitimately tasty oat drink that has made a strong debut in New York coffee shops. How is it so creamy? Why doesn’t it leave a weird feeling or taste in my mouth like other so-called milks? Is it for a gross reason, or a good one? Can you make ranch dressing with it? And why is it so hard to find? I am not kidding when I said in the ad that I travel to get it.
So in this final episode of the season, we unpack some mysteries of oat milk and explore a mystery of our own making: Is there anything this post-cow drink can’t do? In the first half, we interview Anna Throne-Holst, president of the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce, about Oatly’s Scandinavian roots, then to close out the season, we make an oat-milk-in-every-course-even-the-drinks feast. All I’ll say for now is that oat milk ain’t just for coffee.
Here are the links I promise in the episode:
- Use this handy Oatfinder if you’re looking for Oatly near you.
- Here’s our recipe for the oat milk cream pies developed by Caroline Lange.
- If you’re wondering about the environmental impact of oats as compared to, say, almonds, Mother Jones writer Tom Philpott has a breakdown.
- We mostly just improv with oat milk in the kitchen, but did take some inspiration from this piece for the French soda.
If you’re enjoying this first season of In the Field with Edible Brooklyn, we’d be so grateful if you would rate and review us wherever you listen. Every little bit helps!
The first season of our podcast is produced by the insanely talented Kat Aaron and brought to you by Oatly.
You can also subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, Overcast and Pocket Casts. We’re working hard to bring you season two—stay tuned!