Celebration? No. It’s a celebre-ale-tion!
A quarterly collaboration between KelSo Beer Company and Edible Manhattan, Brooklyn, Long Island and East End, Edible Ale will showcase beers made with different New York-sourced ingredients. The recipe will change for each release, contingent on availability and the theme of our current issues.
The first installment, Red Rye IPA (6.5% ABV), is bready, citrusy and balanced. This reddish easy-sipper features Chinook and Cascade hops from Pedersen Farms in Seneca Castle, and caramel and pale malts from O’Mara Farms in Canastota. It also contains triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye, grown and malted by Hadley, Massachusetts’s Valley Malt.
Edible Ale’s objective isn’t confined to an exploration of New York’s bounty, though. We’re also donating a portion of each sale to City Harvest, a kickass, non-profit rescuer of food and feeder of New York’s hungry.
The 15-barrel batch of Red Rye IPA raised $1,020.
“[Edible Ale] is a spotlight on different food issues in our country, from the basics like local farming, to addressing hunger problems,” says Kelly Taylor, co-owner and brewmaster of KelSo. “Additionally, with over 75 percent of the ingredients in this beer sourced locally, the majority of the money spent on making — and buying — this beer goes back into the local economy. It’s a win for everyone. This is another way that beer helps.”
The next batch of Edible Ale, likely a witbier, will increase to “100 percent New York ingredients from our farmers’ markets,” says Taylor, and “will correspond with Edible’s Eat Drink Local week in May.” KelSo will also double production to 30 barrels.
Locations for Edible Ale*:
Terroir (Brooklyn)
Terroir (New York)
The Pony Bar (East)
The Pony Bar (West)
*Availability varies
Edible Ale: Red Rye IPA will also be pouring during select New York City Beer Week events!
Featured photo credit: Facebook / Kelso Beer Company