It’s certainly been satirized in pop culture, and The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal (written by our own Rachel Wharton) have both run articles answering that question in the affirmative. Naysayers lament that art has made way for craft (a complicated sentiment when you’re talking about food) and money is king in a place that was once characterized as laid back and underachieving. There’s even a “commune” in Ditmas Park dedicated to embodying an imagined Brooklyn lifestyle while simultaneously marketing the borough to other places.
And now, some of the most qualified people to answer this question are getting together on January 6, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. at Symphony Space–Leonard Nimoy Thalia to frame a response through food. Former borough president Marty Markowitz, Edible editor at large Rachel Wharton, Brooklyn Flea founder Eric Demby and First Prize Pie’s Allison Kave will be discussing the branding of Brooklyn and how it came to be known (and ridiculed for its small-batch craft food scene. “When it comes to food in particular, I’d characterize [the Brooklyn brand] as more of a movement (for lack of a better term) that has really gone beyond simply a place or even things made in that place,” Rachel Wharton told Edible this week.