Last night Brooklyn brewery hosted Edible’s latest installment in our ongoing How-To series, which focused on coffee courtesy of three local roasters: Theresa Von Fuchs of Dallis Bros. Coffee, Chris Buerkle from Blue Bottle Coffee and Darlene Scherer and Carol McLaughlin from Gorilla Coffee regaled the crowd with stories, lessons and demonstrations. They covered everything from why coffee comes out bitter (the beans were probably ground too fine) to gadget recommendations for the kitchen (try the i-Roast 2) to what one of the early forms of paper was used to filter coffee (blotting paper.) Beyond plenty of coffee (and beer) for the consuming, Brea Collier of Organic Valley was also on hand with samples of delicious dairy products. Our next How to, by the way, will be all about dairy: See you on October 26th!
Scenes from Our Coffee 101 at the Brooklyn Brewery